Experienced. Professional. Respected. Meet the referees of the European Women`s Basketball league.
Michal Tesar
Referee from 2015.
Has second category in Czech referee system.
Has worked at the Chance ŽBL.
Tomáš Holúbek
Experienced referee from Czech Republic.
EWBL referee since beginning, including two Final Fours.
Has worked 12 years at the KNBL and 18 years at the WNBL.
Vaclav Sykora
Started refereeing in 2008.
A referee at the second Czech division for men.
Has worked at the Chance ŽBL – top division for women.
Has a three season experience in the EWBL.
Alina Tomina
Referee from 2018.
Works at the Ukrainian top men`s league and Women`s Superleague.
Has worked at the EYBL matches in Poland.
FBU has included Alina in the list of potential national referees.
Agate Maj
FIBA referee from 2021.
Referee at the Polish Top division – Energa Basket league – from 2018.
Has worked at the Polish Women`s basketball league`s Finals.
Ivo Melichárek
Started refereeing in 2011.
Has started his third year at the Kooperativa NBL – Czech top division for men.
Has worked at the Chance ŽBL and some men`s play-off games.
Jan Hošek
Has a 14 year experience at the Kooperativa NBL – Czech first division for men.
One of the most experienced Czech referees.
Has worked at many play-off games for women and men.
Upcoming commissioner.
Jan Musil
A referee at the Chance ŽBL – Czech first division for women.
Has worked at the second Czech division for men (second group).
Upcoming Kooperativa NBL referee.
Dominik Výborný
Started refereeing in 2013.
Chance ŽBL referee from 2018.
Kooperativa NBL referee from 2022.
Has worked at the Chance ŽBL Final 4 – three times.